Take charge of your life HERE and NOW!

Following blog post is meant for all people who might want to improve their life qualities.
Feeling like life is boring and moving towards goalless void? Kind of like stuck in limbo? A few years ago I had that same feeling. Do you wish to change that? If yes then please continue reading.

The Change

The only thing you need to do is to want to change, the sheer will of it, everything else will come automatically then.

The change is not going to be instant, you will have to practice it step-by-step. Sometimes there will be gaps of being productive and that is okay everybody needs to rest sometime. Do not feel guilty when resting, resting is an essential part of being sustainably productive, just know when to stop when you have had enough. Resting too much starts to make you lazy. The main thing is to keep your course and start being productive once again.

When you do not know when to start, then look around you. Is there perhaps an empty bag of chips on your table? Why not throw it to a trashcan see how it feels? Felt good ain’t it. One thing what I like to do to keep productivity up is making lists about what to do and needs to be done. I saw in my case that when I had nothing next on the line then I fell easily to doing nothing while I have not done anything meaningful in the day and I felt bad at the end of the day that I have wasted it. Therefore I have had wasted precious time of my life because even that is limited, we do not see the limit but it is there. So why not use it wisely, we are not going to get it back. Then again making a list can be considered being productive, it helps to be productive.

Having a list of to-do helps greatly because then you have a clearer vision of what you have been missing or forgotten about. It also helps to avoid things like the same people reminding the same things over and over again which might annoy you or make you sad. When you have it on your list you know that it is in the cloud of doingness and eventually when the bigger priority tasks are done you can clear that one up also.

Completing tasks mostly includes other people somehow and if others see that you are productive and helping them then they also feel that you are essential for them

After a while, you might see that you have so much to do that you won’t have time. Do not stress out because of it, it takes you nowhere. Just give your best to do the things, that will ensure the prime outcome. I recommend starting using (Google) Calendar to help you plan out your day. For starters just try to put different tasks with relative timespans. Eventually, you will get good at it and the accuracy of task timespan gets better. Put there even little things for example washing dishes. With every passing week you plan things in the calendar the more clearly you will see your future and the less you will encounter events that you have forgotten but which jump out in the last minute, which most likely throws your planning a bit off so do not be sad or stressed about it – rearrange things.

Clearing your surroundings like for example your room also helps to keep the focus of things at hand. Try to do it regularly like once a week for a start. I find out for myself that it is easiest to do when I am tired of thinking so I mostly do it before I go to sleep and I do not clean the room entirely, just a little bit every-now-and-then. Maintaining an overall cleaner room is easier that way for me over a long period.

You have re-occurring tasks like your pet peeing to some certain place and you have to clean it up. Then maybe try to focus pet more for some time (like few weeks) and train the pet to go to the designated place or seal off the place somehow for good if the place is uncomfortable to access. For example, we (me and my girlfriend) have a ferret who like to pee under the cage and it was really hard and uncomfortable to access it. It also caused stressful moments in between us so I took the initiative and put boxes to the areas under the cage. And at the same period, I started giving a treat to the ferret every time he peed to the toilet tray. After a week or a bit more he peed a hundred times less to the floor and if he did then the cleaning up was easier, did not need to reach anywhere narrow. Long story short: do not cure the symptom, cure the disease.

Another thing is if you have relatively similar tasks then try to look is there a way to optimize those things somehow? Can you prepare them somehow or do the task so that it would not come back after a while?

Never Hesitate

You are most likely going to mess up something sometime. Do not overthink it or look at it as the end of the world. Be objective of yourself and analyze what went wrong, how can you prevent it from happening again or make it to be less probable. Recently I heard an audiobook titled “The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” by Eckhart Tolle, I highly recommend it to you also. You might see it as mumbo-jumbo but I am pretty sure you have practised few of those methods in your life by not knowing it but listening to it hose helps greatly to be aware of those. In short, he spoke that do not fear the future or be stuck in the past regretting. You cannot change them what you can do is HERE and NOW in the present. There is a free audiobook in amazon as I see it now, here is the link if you are interested.


To wrap things up I just want to say that the change I have gone through in the few last years has been immense. Some might even not recognize me today. My life is like a fast-moving car in the current period of my life. Yes, I do not have maybe all the time for my things but I feel powerful to achieve a great many things.

Start being productive NOW and be proud of who you are!

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