Another asteroid that’s supposedly is going to kill us all 52768 (1998 OR2) and is big as Mount Everest as some news outlets say.

Some random asteroid picture from the internets

First of all chill down. It’s not going to hit us. News outlets that say that it’s “potentially” going to hit us are just trying to provoke panic for more views.

I’ve done some calculations and it’s said on NASA’s webpage ( that the MOID (Minimum orbit intersection distance (MOID) is a measure used in astronomy to assess potential close approaches and collision risks between astronomical objects. It is defined as the distance between the closest points of the osculating orbits of two bodies.) is 0.0154376 au (An Astronomical Unit (AU) is the average distance between Earth and the Sun, which is about 93 million miles or 150 million kilometres [149 597 870.7km to be exact]. Astronomical units are usually used to measure distances within our Solar System.). 

So if we crunch those numbers into calculations to get the minimum possible distance between our beloved Earth and the Asteroid 52768, then it is: 

149,597,870.7 * 0.0154376 = ~2 309 432,089 km or ~1,435,014.57 miles away. For context the moon is 384 472 km (238 900 miles) away.

So no, you’re stuck on this piece of rock with me and nothing’s going to happen and go on with your life. Eat delicouse & healthy foods, go outside for a walk and be with your pets if you have any and enjoy the life. 🙂

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