Candles and their secrets

Most recent candles I’ve made, except the rightest one, that one is made by my significant other. The wicks haven’t been cut to its right length in the picture.

Some of you know some don’t but I make candles. It’s a pretty new hobby compared to my other ones, been doing it like about 2 or 3 years now. The reason I got this hobby was that I finally got bored with the computer. Yeah, I know hard to believe right? One day I just had the urge to create something physical. All my previous life I liked to create things virtually: video games, game mods, webpages, etc. I think the main reason is comfort because you don’t have to get physical materials. Most of it which is required to create it can be acquired by a few pushes of a button. The only problem was how to execute the “virtual materials”, but that hasn’t been mostly a problem for me. I’ve always loved to figure things out, it’s kind of a mind-trip to me if you will – Another journey to take part.

It wasn’t easy to find a suitable hobby, I searched for this hobby like about 2 weeks. In those weeks I remember I scrolled through everyday single day multiple lists of hobbies. Read about different kinds of hobbies, how the process looks like, what materials are required and so on. Requirements about the new hobby I was looking for were:

  • Some kind of physical outcome
  • Relatively cheap
  • Possible to do it with all kinds of weathers and seasons (so most likely in-doors)
  • Nothing computer related

Benefits about candle making:

  • You can make personalized gifts
  • Create ambient in your room. For example, get romantic with your significant other
  • You’ll have some spare candles most likely around somewhere most of the time. So for example when the electricity cuts out, then you can lit your room(s). 

I remember the first few candles were the most irritating ones. The wick didn’t stay in its position or moved away after when it was solidifying, melting wax was stressful because I didn’t have the right tools, first 2 molds were weird (still can’t understand how I’m supposed to make candles with it), hot wax leaked out of the mold (even with better molds) and to all over the place. It was a very messy and stressful ride. In the beginning, I even considered abandoning the hobby at some time. But now when I’m having decent tools, molds (at least I think for a beginner) and a bit more experience it’s a calming activity. Nowadays I rarely mess up a candle, but when I do then I’ve mostly been in some kind of a hurry.

My candle equipment at the moment: some cylinder molds in different heights, wax pouring cup, green candle color, wicks, wax princess cup, fragrance, spoon, knife, tape to fix the wick to the mold so it won’t get dragged down when it solidifies and on the left is heart-shaped chip mold.

But don’t get me wrong about the 2 or 3-year experiences, I’m still a pretty rookie in my opinion. I’ve only made like about 50-60 dedicated candles as I like to call them. I’ve made more but they’re made from the residue and I mostly pour it to my chip-molds. And sometimes there is a lot of residue wax when I finish some candles. Because I don’t measure the wax when I take it to melt from a big bag with a regular drinking cup.Candles that I’ve made are mostly gifts to my relatives, friends and friend’s relatives. 

Having more questions about candles? Feel free to ask in the comments below, I’ll gladly answer.

PS a thing I low-key like is that many people are surprised when I mention that I craft candles. 

1 thought on “Candles and their secrets”

  1. One of the most popular winter wedding proposals involve a candle. The man asks the woman to light a candle, and when she does, a ring is inside.


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